Buying Support

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0800 254 0344

Has your Procurement Function ever had an independent Health Check?

Given the major supply chain shocks caused by Brexit and the COVID-19 global pandemic, there has never been a more critical time for your company to conduct a radical review of its procurement and supply chain function. If you haven't put your buying under the spotlight for some time - and most companies haven't - then now is the time to do so and make the most of the opportunities (and mitigate the risks) created by the heightened global economic volatility. BSA can provide an independent procurement function health check, giving your company a new sense of identity and purpose.

How sure are you that your procurement and supply chain function operates in an efficient manner, maximising value for money and mitigating supply chain risks? How clear are your procurement strategies? Have you strong policies and procedures in place to cut the risk of fraud or inappropriate spend? What do your suppliers really think of you? Are you enjoying competitive advantage through your supply chains? If you're not happy about the answers to these questions, we recommend you consider investing in our procurement health check.

We offer an independent organisation-wide health check of your procurement strategies, policies, procedures, systems, organisational structure, tender, contract and supplier management, skill sets. This identifies opportunities for improvements in internal process efficiency, value for money and governance. We then provide a prioritised action plan to deliver significant value for money improvement - which we can then help deliver or provide guidance, via our Procurement Outsourcing service.

The value of an independent Supply Chain Review

It can be time consuming to manage suppliers effectively, but the rewards in terms of value gain and risk reduction can potentially make the difference between business success or failure. With greater threats such as Brexit, COVID-19, climate change, anti-slavery laws, cyber security, we can help to ensure that your supply chain risks are being adequately managed.

We can review value/risk and assess/build skills competencies across your supply chains. This can include facilitating supply chain workshops, intelligence gathering via supplier questionnaires, telephone surveys or market research, supporting cost efficiency projects. We have specialist knowledge in areas such as sustainability, carbon footprinting and cyber security which can be shared across your supply chains, with targets being developed and support given to ensure that such targets are met.

This has been an invaluable exercise and represents a giant leap forward in our quest for efficiency. The Buying Support Agency have performed a very thorough analysis of our procurement processes. We would have struggled to understand where further improvements could be found without their expert assistance.Tim Weston, Supplier Manager, VisitBritain (the National Tourism Agency)

If you're looking to review your purchasing function or specific cost categories and would value an independent view from procurement experts then please call us on 0800 254 0344.

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